Valentina: ‘’I've always been interested in anthropology of music, ethnomusicology and in the way peoples from different times and places in the world have used music and singing as their tools of choice to pray, to heal and – in a broader way – to enter a state of consciousness that's different from the ordinary one, a deeper and more expanded one, where “magic” can be done and transformation can happen for real. After a very long time spent as a dance therapist and as a voice teacher, digging deeper and deeper into the power of sound and voice, I felt a genuine desire to create my own chants. Not just improvisations, like I've always done during live sessions, but something more accurately crafted and professionally recorded, to be available for anyone who's looking for that kind of experience.
‘’I'd say that the strongest connection is with vital energy, so to speak. Something primitive at the very core of existence itself that belongs to both the physical world and the invisible one.
‘’Actually, the driving force behind this project is probably the connection between matter and “spirit”, “soul”, “god”, “Mother Earth” ... different words to describe a dimension that's still very important for many of us nowadays.

Vocalist and creator Valentina Buroni has created Atmaens Masterwork Canto Sagrado. A fully immersive experience that combines ambience both earthen and ethereal, electronica with folk, gorgeous vocal harmonies, and spiritual connection. It is a ritual and a pathway to healing. Gentle and deeply affecting it is a beautiful album that was a long time in creation.
‘’thank you for your nice words. Yes, quite a long time in creation. It took me about 3 years to go from a very early - and honestly quite confused - desire to write some songs to deciding I would work on a full album. And then it took me about a year and a half to search for the proper sounds, record the tracks and mix them. I'd like to mention Frank Altare, my amazing producer whose role has been crucial in crafting this album.
The source for such songs? And the creation of such subtle melodies and moods?
‘’I feel like I'm a “dancer between worlds” and my creativity comes from this constant movement. I get inspiration from the world around me and from the “other worlds” I feel connected with. I always see landscapes in my mind with their different colours and energies and I like to try to turn them into sonic landscapes. I always improvise chants for myself, for other people, for the spirits of nature, which might serve as a way to express a feeling, to thank or to heal a suffering heart. Sometimes a melody can be good enough to become a real song :-)
Canto Sagrado is not just an album but a healing.
‘’totally, well at least from my point of view and in my intent. But let me clarify what I mean by “healing.” I speak of transformation. Taking something that's poisoning you, something that's limiting your evolution, whatever it may be, and going through a process with it like you would do in a chemical reaction. At the end of the process, you'll find yourself in a different state, the original components turned into something else. We can do so in many ways, like through singing, dancing, painting, ...
‘’Within this frame, I think that every song on the album, and the album as a whole, can take the listener on this type of process, in a very gentle way. Every song speaks of a very specific theme and carries an energy that's deeply connected with it.
‘’Having said that I'm very happy when people tell me that my music “simply” helped them relax, which is no small achievement nowadays!
How important is it to be both connected to the spiritual and the physical?

‘’My personal view is that we can't fully be ourselves, feel good (both physically and emotionally) and find peace within as long as we don't perceive ourselves as a whole. Many of us don't feel their own bodies, to begin with. That's a very underrated problem, unfortunately. They don't feel their breath at all, they don't pay attention to the signals that their bodies send them to let them know that something's wrong. They don't give their bodies the chance to move and to feel.
‘’As far as the spiritual side is concerned, it's a delicate and extremely subjective topic. I am not speaking about religion, since spirituality is a much more subtle concept, but I understand that some people don't welcome this idea anyway and I respect them. To me it's vital to “keep all our doors open” and give credit to our intuition, to our feelings, to our longing for something deeper, to our desire to be part of something bigger than ourselves.
‘’I think that the best way to let these parts of ourselves meet and merge is to do simple (yet powerful) things that will involve both of them, like improvising a dance without any music and feeling how our body is creating shapes and movements in a creative flow, letting our voices rise from the depths of ourselves and singing freely, walking silently in nature listening to the sounds that surround us and feeling that they are embedded in our DNA since the beginning of human history...
The is a wealth of different vocals styles on the album. Was it the emotion that dictated the performance? And its language?
‘’Every vocal style embodies a different energy and somehow portrays a different character. So, there are fierce, almost tribal/ethnic vocalizations that represent the wild woman, maybe a shaman, someone who experiences the connection with the natural forces to the fullest. Then there's a voice with a very grounded and calm tone to it that can represent the priestess, the healer, someone who keeps moving between this world and the other one with confidence and who is also fully aware of her role of representing a bridge between these realities for other people. And then there's a sweeter and more “whispered” voice, that's the voice of the heart which is able to stand out amidst apparently stronger voices.

‘’I'd say that the lyrics are pretty simple yet very profound, like archaic and primitive prayers and invocations that come straight from the soul.
A ritual of peace and ambience?
‘’ A ritual of transformation, of evolution, of letting go of fears and of building trust in our inner wisdom and in the great forces that are always at work in our lives.
Should we all have more beauty and connection?
‘’I totally think we should become more aware of beauty in our everyday life. And we should become more and more able to find it in small things, not necessarily looking for something out of the ordinary. I think that beauty can truly save our souls and give meaning to our existence. That's one of the most powerful medicines we've got. So is the connection with other human beings, provided it's rooted in respect and in an authentic desire to grow together, be it friendship, romantic love or a professional collaboration.
It is both a spiritual and emotional journey.
‘’The idea behind this album is to take the listener on a journey of reconnection, where all our parts can get back together and we can feel that they are intertwined. There's a strong spiritual element in the music, there's a shamanic vibe to it but there's also room for emotions, especially in songs like “Holy Mother” and “My Neptunian love”. The drums also play an important role, as they can be seen an extension of our bodies. They are linked to our heartbeat, and they build the foundation of the movement in the music, like our bones and muscles do for us.
‘’I poured my heart and soul into these songs, they all come my from own sensitivity and from what I've encountered on my path so far, but I think that there's plenty of room for everyone to make it a very personal experience. The songs set the frame and the quality of the energy. But they invite the listeners to get into it carrying their own thoughts, feelings, emotions, and see what happens by the end of the track.
Sources of Joy?
‘’ For me personally, I'd say: good authentic music with a soul, spending time in nature, having like-minded people around me and working together to create something meaningful.
Is art defined by how much the artist reveals themselves in it?
‘’I don't know if art is defined by it, but I know that I connect deeply only with art that clearly shows the soul and the heart of its creator. To me, it has to be authentic to be meaningful. Otherwise, it's just a cold product for entertainment and I'm not much interested in it.
The cyclical nature of life and finding beauty in every circumstance.
‘’While I firmly believe that beauty can hide in the most unexpected places and that we should definitely become more aware of it, as I said before, I don't think that we should force ourselves to find it in every situation. I mean, there is darkness in this world too, there is violence, there is pain, and we shouldn't be afraid of calling them for what they are. Maybe that's also part of the cyclical nature of life, where opposite forces can coexist.
Final thoughts?
‘’Thank you very much for your questions and thanks to everyone who's read my answers.
To all those who will listen to Canto Sagrado, thank you for letting my music touch your soul. I'd love to hear your comments, feelings and thoughts. You can reach me through my website or Instagram.
Top 6 albums of all time?
Valentina: in random order:
Lorrena McKennitt - The mask and mirror
Tear for fears - Elemental
Dark Tranquillity - We are the void.
Paradise Lost - Draconian times.
Anathema – Judgement
Vangelis – Blade runner OST