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Resonance - Deadspace - Legion:Ritualis

Deadspace – The Dark Enlightenment                    9/10

Australia’s Deadspace returned from Hiatus last year with the excellent Unveiling the Palest Truth. The Dark Enlightenment is simultaneously a massive leap forward stylistically whilst still being Eminently Deadspace.

The sheer anger that lurked within their previous release surges forward on The Dark Enlightenment. Deadspace have eschewed their DSBM roots for a sound that is utterly aggressive dissonant and melodic in places yet there is no joy to be found here.  From Culminating Chaos through to In The Vault Of Murmur, and Dysgeusia it is predatory and openly hostile yet multi-faceted with a deft touch and sleight of hand. The Catacosmic Conundrum and Fanged Noumena are results of this progression that relies on pure extremity that is dense and undeniable.  Part black metal, part death metal it is a dissonant nightmare that realizes the potential of the bands fury. Inexorable and inescapable where art, horror and philosophy coalesce into a hideous form that reflects the failings of humanity and it psyche.

Tense, distraught and incredibly intense The Dark Enlightenment is a visceral record that barrages the senses. It is a dynamic work of art that from speed through to its darker moments that  never looses focus.  The percussion is razor sharp and dynamic whilst the riffing is both simultaneously earthen and ethereal. The vocals are pained and intelligent, this art by extreme artists. Deadspace have created a monster that is peerless in the extreme music genre. Superb



Legion:Ritualis Rites of Futility                    8.5/10

Legion: Ritualis is the duo of Legion and Ritualis. This Australian duo have created a masterwork in their debut offering Rites of Futility. An immersive dystopian, classical journey through a modern apocalypse.

A Wagnerian nightmare accompanied by Darkwave and industrial soundscapes completed by haunting piano melodies. The dual vocals both beautiful and ugly explore the eternal dichotomy of darkness and light and destroy the conventions of percussion and the definition of extreme art. Forsaken, Devotio (Sui Sacrificium) and Messaline Pt1- The Scorpion Labyrinth are mere examples of music that combines the black metal aesthetic with the beautiful classical, ominous darkwave with sparse soundscapes that are no less intense than its denser passages.  Its darkness cloying yet intangible, at others it is seductive luring you with a welcoming cold hand into its darkness. Alone and Wander are more majesty that is inexplicable yet visceral in its multi layered experience. At times restrained and other unhinged Legion:Ritualis create a delicate balance that is pure and original,

Rites of Futility are undefinable but imminently memorable. Wildly experimental nad original it is a record made fearlessly without regard for genres and acceptable notions; it is extreme yet beautiful, part nightmare and gorgeous sonnet in equal measure. The abyss beckons dare you look into it. Highly recommended.



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