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Writer's pictureSparky

Resonance - Gaerea - Necht

Gaerea – Coma                 9.5/10

Enigmatic Portuguese act Gaerea returns with their fourth album Coma. The unidentifiable five-piece have already created an enviable back catalogue of extreme highlights that includes the excellent Limbo and their last offering, the brilliant Mirage. Coma continues its evolution that steers them away from traditional black metal into a malevolent new creation that is no less extreme.

From its beginnings with the excellent The Poets Ballad this is an evocative record that shows how far Gaerea have progressed. It is a record that mutates into a more subtle and memorable affair. The quieter moments off the previously released single Coma are riddled with textures and depth, yet it doesn’t prepare you for the fragile denouement that is Wilted Flowers, the clarity of the vocals visceral in its reality and disappointment. Coma is full of surprises such as the slow build that is Worlds Ablaze with its stomping rhythm and ever-present excellent riffing that deserves special mention. Some of the sections are transcendent in their power and at others downright savage and violent as they haven’t forgotten the power of speed and frantic tremolo picking that has always been a trademark of their urgent delivery. ‘’Suspended’’ is hauntingly powerful as it is heavy, Gaerea’s mastery lies in the balance between the speed and slower tempos, the intensity remains yet it takes on new forms and is all the more memorable for it diversity, the spoken word passages and gentler moments are the perfect addition to extremity that is still in abundance. Hope Shatters is just pure metal majesty even when dreams turn to dust.

Coma is an evolutionary leap in Gaerea’s depth and emotion. Their catharsis takes on new levels of subtlety and influence, yet it is also unmistakeably an extreme metal record that breaks the boundaries and defies normal descriptors. Heartfelt and undeniably relatable Coma is a journey in the realism that is their ideology and superior songwriting ability. Eerie, dissonant yet also direct Coma is quite simply superb.


Necht – The Prophecy of Karnifor             8.5/10


Founded in Calgary, Canada in 2022 Necht is the personification of the Cult of the ENKARI, described as the first civilization on Earth and their everlasting battle in the name of their god B’ahn Our Father, The Ceaseless Warrior, inspired by the discoveries of the German explorer and philosopher Karl von Mecklenburg. The resulting revelation The Prophecy of Karnifor is their debut album and it is a glorious celebration of history and modern extreme metal.

The Prophecy of Karnifor is not so much an album but a novel with multiple interlinking chapters. From symphonic styled instrumental interludes at others it is extreme blackened death metal led by the torturous throat of Zenith Maharg (vocals). It is an album that rips and punishes the senses with its bass and excellent percussion as on the simply ferocious ‘’Within Her Jaws Dwells The Dark Promise Of Our Death’’.  ‘’By The Fires Of Ascension Shall I Reach The Sky,’’ is pure black metal majesty led by the guitar of Zhargor. And his work on the revelatory; Stirred By Shadow, I Did Wake’’ peerless. ‘’ Into Bondage Born’’ is an eight minute black metal leviathan that stalks with its melodious parts and its insanely fast time changes where you can hear the bass of Aemoh progress and provide depth to a soon to be infernal classic. Album closer’’ For Violence Was Wrought Upon Me’ is a tour de force of the symphonic, black and death

With insane blast beats, interlinking choirs, solitary instrumentation and symphonic excellence matched by demanding time changes and a true sense of purpose . The Prophecy of Karnifor is a sterling debut that makes a Necht a true darkened force to be reckoned with.



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