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Resonance- Heilung - Valfreya

Heilung – Lifa Iotungard (Live At Red Rocks 2021)              9.5/10

Lifa Iotungard is a celebration of people and where we come from. The collective of Danish, German and Norwegian musicians and performers do not play shows, they conduct live immersive rituals that must be experienced to be fully appreciated. Lifa Iotungard is a celebration of their live brilliance recorded at the iconic Red rocks amphitheatre in the US in 2021 and their fifth distinctive release.

Beginning with an ancient prayer ‘’ Remember that we all are brothers. All people, beasts, trees, and stones, and wind. We all descend from the one great being” ‘’ In Maidjan’’ represents their rhythmic seduction into the past that is as relevant as it is vital and hypnotic. An Album enjoyed at a large volume allowing the live subtleties and textures to envelope you with passion and emotion. Their music is a celebration that is informative as it is primal, their rhythms hide a complexity that is astonishing, the throat singing a vital part of the overall crescendo that is their ability to combine all instruments and voice into one collective force that reflects their dedication to their craft. Heilung is a feeling, which is overwhelming, transformative, and beautiful. The interplay between vocalists natural and dynamic whilst the rhythms are ever present, unique, and alluring. The result is a compelling journey that is enchanting and surprising as it undefinable.

The amplified History of Heliung is undeniable with their presence and energy. They are a force of nature that represents authenticity and heritage. Lifa Iotungard is a complete body of work where every track is a highlight and a deeper understanding that transcends music and creates a true healing experience. Live albums do not get any better than this that represent a collective in their purest state. Superb



VALFREYA – Dawn Of Reckoning                               8.5/10

Valfreya from Montreal Canada have created unique blackened symphonic metal since their inception in 2009. ‘’ Dawn Of Reckoning’’ is their third full length release and it sees the band exploring new territory that pushes the boundaries of their music even further.

Bristling with unbridled energy the concept of the album revolves around the anger of the goddess Hel which plays the metaphorical role of a fatal justice towards a guilty humanity. The music retains some of the classical symphonic blackened edge the band has always had yet now incorporates a more folk earthen sound that is as addictive in equal measure. From its Beginnings of ‘’ The Rise’’ through to the bombast of ‘’War Cry,” ‘’The Fate” delves into a more pagan folk edge that creates a rousing metal anthem and is powered by frenetic energy and the always demanding vocals of Corinne Cardinal. Everything is bigger from the choir esque chants of war through to the excellent guitar work of Daniel Simard. ‘’The Fall’’ is a mid-tempo anthem with varying vocal styles and time changes, the classical edges now layered with a rawer edge that is darker, immediate, and more visceral. ‘’ Equilibrium’’ and its pure classical annotations meet blackened bombastic in a highlight that moves with a malevolent energy, restless and undeniable.

‘’Dawn Of Reckoning’’ is a demanding creative album yet it never looses its immediacy and ability to surprise. It is a fresh new direction that compliments their already massive cinematic style, part folk part cinema and symphonic yet always metal and inspiring as such. Valfreya have created a record that is compelling and formidable.

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